By joining our Study and Action community today you’ll discover the wisdom of the Big Book and have access to “The Listening Room” where you’ll find information on the Guide to Working the 12 Steps of AA.
Listen to the sessions online or download them and take them with you on your phone. Perfect for sponsees and sponsors alike as you work the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Experience the actions that have helped Real Alcoholics become recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. We look forward to seeing you. There are many resources available to help aid you in your journey down the broad highway. Here are a few that we hope you find useful. Please share these with others who are on the path.
During the 1950’s, a man by the name of Mac C. (now deceased) started a group in Winnipeg Manitoba called the “Golden Slippers”. The group was a back to the basics of the “Big Book” kind of group, especially for those people who just could not stay sober for any length of time. The group took a bunch of chronic “slippers” and walked them through the Steps, taking the action exactly as laid out by the first 100 men and women who wrote the basic textbook, Alcoholics Anonymous.
The results were miraculous and word soon spread throughout Winnipeg. Many people with all lengths of sobriety wanted to join this group. During the 1975 International AA Convention in Denver, Mac talked about their experience and many AA members around the country began to replicate this amazing process.
Then in 1992 Dick C. & Mary C. started the Big Book Study & Action Group (BBSAG) series of seminars in the Twin Cities of Minnesota in order to try to replicate these amazing sessions. Dick and Mary have a combined total of more than 75 years of continuously working with alcoholics using this approach – both in 1:1 and group settings. Many hundreds of people have experienced these seminars. We use a dictionary published in 1935 because words have changed a lot since the Big Book was first published, and we believe it is important the we understand the words as they were written, not as they are interpreted in our 21st Century society.
In 2021 the Covid-19 pandemic changed everything – AA meetings went on-line and our BBSAG in-person sessions ended. We decided to put these recordings on-line for alcoholics everywhere to access them. Then in late 2022, our web site host changed the formatting and we had to re-design our site. What you see here is a result of that redesign.
Thanks for your patience!!!
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