4th Step Glossary

3rd Column Words

AmbitionsYour plans or great desires.
Self-EsteemWhat we think of ourselves.
Emotional SecurityExposure to feelings of apprehension or doubt.
Personal SecurityExposure to danger, risk or safety to physical well-being.
Financial SecurityWanting money, property, clothing, housing, cars, etc. in order to be secure.
Personal RelationshipsOur relations with other human beings and the world around us. Involves a third party. (Note: do not use person from column one, only others around us).
Sex RelationsOur sex lives.
FearA feeling of anxiety, agitation, uneasiness, apprehension, etc. May be temporary or continual.

4th Column Words

SelfishInfluenced by personal motives to the disregard of the welfare or wishes of others. (Also includes: Did the person act the way I wanted them to? Did that person act the way they did because of something I don’t know about or understand?)
Self-SeekingThe interest in furthering one’s own interests or advancing one’s own ends among others. Effecting how others perceive me. Trying to have a reputation that is not deserved.
Dishonest1) By Commission: To commit, to do, to act on, out and out lies.
2) By Omission: To omit. What I didn’t say. Information I did not provide. Did I tell them what I needed, how I felt or what I thought? Have I been honest with myself?
FrightenedAfraid. Fear, especially that which arises from apprehension. May result from reliance upon people, places and things instead of having faith in a Higher Power.
InconsiderateLack of consideration about how another person felt, their wants, their needs, their beliefs, or how I affected them?
PrideHigh or inordinate opinion of one’s own dignity, importance, merit or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.; pleasure or satisfaction taken in something done by or belonging to oneself.